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                Welcome to our website

                • Is the material of Lefcon silicone baking molds plastic?

                  What glue is silicone? Is it plastic? Because the Chinese name of silicone contains a glue character, and its appearance is very similar to plastic, rubber, latex, so many people are not sure what kind of glue is silicone. And more people mistakenly think that silicone is a kind of plastic! And silicone gloves are mistaken for latex gloves! This is June Fei Shuang, a big injustice case! Silicone is neither plastic nor latex rubber, its root

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                • Precautions for using Lefcon silicone baking molds

                  Lefcon silicone baking membranes need to pay attention to some things when they are used for the first time. Lefcon silicone products have been boiled, and the products are clean and safe. For the sak

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                • Why silica gel is an environmentally friendly material

                  The world generates 490 million tons of garbage every year, and China generates about 150 million tons of urban garbage every year. The volume of garbage removal and transportation of urban population

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