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                Welcome to our website

                Face & Body Brush

                1. Soft skin contact points can make your face and body clean. 2. Through the massage of this product, it can promote the blood circulation of the body and facial skin and relax your skin. 3. The soft material will not damage your skin during use. 4. The front of the product can be used to cleanse the body; the other side is used for facial cleansing and skin massage. 5. Suitable for facial cleansing after mask or make-up, and hair washing of infants and young children. 6. Simple and applicable. Sterile, suitable for home use.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Soft skin contact points can make your face and body clean.

                2. Through the massage of this product, it can promote the blood circulation of the body and facial skin and relax your skin.

                3. The soft material will not damage your skin during use.

                4. The front of the product can be used to cleanse the body; the other side is used for facial cleansing and skin massage.

                5. Suitable for facial cleansing after mask or make-up, and hair washing of infants and young children.

                6. Simple and applicable. Sterile, suitable for home use.


                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号