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                Welcome to our website

                Bowl Mat

                1. Food grade silicone mat. 2. High temperature resistance 250℃. 3. Easy to clean and store. 4. No odor, no mold. 5. Does not breed bacteria. 6. Super durable and long service life. 7. Environmentally friendly materials, without plasticizer and bisphenol A. 8. Suitable for dishwasher, microwave oven, oven.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Food grade silicone mat.

                2. High temperature resistance 250℃.

                3. Easy to clean and store.

                4. No odor, no mold.

                5. Does not breed bacteria.

                6. Super durable and long service life.

                7. Environmentally friendly materials, without plasticizer and bisphenol A.

                8. Suitable for dishwasher, microwave oven, oven.


                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号