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                Welcome to our website

                Silicone Scrubber

                1. Silicone sponge is made of food grade silicone and sponge. 2. It has antibacterial and antibacterial growth properties, suitable for cleaning products with scratched surface and coating; especially suitable for pots with non-stick coating. 3. Compared with the traditional glass fiber sponge cloth, it has a rough surface and durability, and is more practical. 4. Different colors make it easy to distinguish different uses. Easy to take care of.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Silicone sponge is made of food grade silicone and sponge.

                2. It has antibacterial and antibacterial growth properties, suitable for cleaning products with scratched surface and coating; especially suitable for pots with non-stick coating.

                3. Compared with the traditional glass fiber sponge cloth, it has a rough surface and durability, and is more practical.

                4. Different colors make it easy to distinguish different uses. Easy to take care of.


                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号