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                Welcome to our website

                Mini Oven Mitt

                1. The material comes from food-grade silicone. High temperature resistance, soft and non-slip, non-stick. When you are cooking, baking, microwave heating food in the kitchen, you can use this product to easily take hot dishes, bowls, steamer Wait to avoid burns. 2. Compared with the traditional anti-scald gloves, this product does not need to be worn and taken off repeatedly, it is easier to use. And it is easier to clean, dry and store. 3. Food grade silicone, FDA certified, non-toxic and tasteless. High temperature resistance up to 250 degrees Celsius.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. The material comes from food-grade silicone. High temperature resistance, soft and non-slip, non-stick. When you are cooking, baking, microwave heating food in the kitchen, you can use this product to easily take hot dishes, bowls, steamer Wait to avoid burns.

                2. Compared with the traditional anti-scald gloves, this product does not need to be worn and taken off repeatedly, it is easier to use. And it is easier to clean, dry and store.

                3. Food grade silicone, FDA certified, non-toxic and tasteless. High temperature resistance up to 250 degrees Celsius.





                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号