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                Welcome to our website

                Disposable Kitchen Rags

                1. No addition, delicate and soft, not easy to pilling without falling off. 2. Absorb water and oil, clean quickly, rubbing repeatedly without deformation. 3. Anytime, anywhere, with a "cloth" in place, daily wiping, cleaning dishes, kitchen heavy soiling, bathroom water absorption, hand towels, placemats, etc.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. No addition, delicate and soft, not easy to pilling without falling off.

                2. Absorb water and oil, clean quickly, rubbing repeatedly without deformation.

                3. Anytime, anywhere, with a "cloth" in place, daily wiping, cleaning dishes, kitchen heavy soiling, bathroom water absorption, hand towels, placemats, etc.




                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备16041006号-1