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                Welcome to our website

                Baby Suction Insulation Bowl

                Convenient for the injection of hot water and the placement of food. The detachable silicone suction cup can be fixed on a flat tabletop; it is convenient for cleaning after use and placement before use. The silicone suction cup can more firmly fix the baby's water injection thermal insulation bowl on the tabletop And it is not easy to overturn during use. It brings great convenience in the process of self-eating of infants and children; promotes healthy eating. The transparent bowl cover can adsorb and lock the stainless steel bowl, and the sealing ring can effectively separate hot water.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                Convenient for the injection of hot water and the placement of food. The detachable silicone suction cup can be fixed on a flat tabletop; it is convenient for cleaning after use and placement before use. The silicone suction cup can more firmly fix the baby's water injection thermal insulation bowl on the tabletop And it is not easy to overturn during use. It brings great convenience in the process of self-eating of infants and children; promotes healthy eating. The transparent bowl cover can adsorb and lock the stainless steel bowl, and the sealing ring can effectively separate hot water. As for the overflow; rotating the sealing ring left and right can open and close the function; injecting warm water can maintain the temperature of the food for a long time or can be applied to the heating of liquid thick food, and injecting cold water or ice can cool the food. The sealing ring is locked with a unique structure The design is simple, easy to use, and leak-proof. It is convenient to prepare lunch boxes for babies and children to go out.






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