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                Welcome to our website

                Twist fork and spoon set

                1. Two-color process, the modeling structure is novel enough. 2. The spoon and fork can rotate 90 degrees in any direction, there is always a comfortable grip for the babies. 3. The bottom suction cup design style can stand after washing. 4. Storage in storage box, easy to take out, environmental protection and sanitation. 5. Smooth and edgeless curved surface, no burrs on the edges, comfortable and convenient.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Two-color process, the modeling structure is novel enough.

                2. The spoon and fork can rotate 90 degrees in any direction, there is always a comfortable grip for the babies.

                3. The bottom suction cup design style can stand after washing.

                4. Storage in storage box, easy to take out, environmental protection and sanitation.

                5. Smooth and edgeless curved surface, no burrs on the edges, comfortable and convenient.




                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号