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                Welcome to our website

                Silicone baby food spoon feeder

                1. Silicone baby food feeding spoon makes baby feeding easy; this product is specially designed for infants and young children 4 months old and above; the adsorptive stand design is convenient for placing after use or handling unexpected affairs when feeding infants and young children . Suitable for one-handed feeding of more discerning babies.2. The product is made of bisphenol A-free food-grade silicone, which will not hurt the mouth of infants and young children and reduce the pain when teething; the spill-proof, squeezable silicone bottle is equipped with Scale ruler, easy to detect the food intake of infants and young children.3. Highly sealed hygienic cover and internal sealing plate can prevent food leakage when carrying out or outdoors. The multi-functional complementary feeding spoon is suitable for semi-solid food and puree such as rice paste, soup, juice and so on.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Silicone baby food feeding spoon makes baby feeding easy; this product is specially designed for infants and young children 4 months old and above; the adsorptive stand design is convenient for placing after use or handling unexpected affairs when feeding infants and young children . Suitable for one-handed feeding of more discerning babies.

                2. The product is made of bisphenol A-free food-grade silicone, which will not hurt the mouth of infants and young children and reduce the pain when teething; the spill-proof, squeezable silicone bottle is equipped with Scale ruler, easy to detect the food intake of infants and young children.

                3. Highly sealed hygienic cover and internal sealing plate can prevent food leakage when carrying out or outdoors. The multi-functional complementary feeding spoon is suitable for semi-solid food and puree such as rice paste, soup, juice and so on.

                4. Specially designed for labor-saving food filling, cleaning and storage; easy to disassemble for cleaning and disinfection.

                5. Durable and antifouling; when the product is used in contact with orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes, coloring may occur, which is caused by the natural carrot beta pigment. This does not affect the use of the product, even if the orange coloration does not come off, it is still safe. In order to remove coloring, we recommend that you dilute with vinegar when washing.

                6. Easy to clean and store; please wash with warm soapy water or disinfect with boiling water! Do not put in the microwave.





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