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                Welcome to our website

                Dolphin Flipped Straw Cup

                1. 100% food grade silicone silicone straw and cup body and plastic grease material. 2. The straw is made of soft silicone, with removable assembly and anti-overflow design, which is convenient for cleaning and sterilization. 3. The lid is designed with a sliding body trigger, which is convenient to open and close. It is water-proof. It is convenient to carry out and avoid the straw to contact foreign substances. 4. The soft silicone bottle body adopts dolphin shape and scale mark; it is easy for parents to hold and identify the amount of liquid residue, so that infants and children can get more help when learning to drink. 5. The best product for children of 1-2 years old; suitable for disinfection and sterilization at a temperature of 120 ℃.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. 100% food grade silicone silicone straw and cup body and plastic grease material.

                2. The straw is made of soft silicone, with removable assembly and anti-overflow design, which is convenient for cleaning and sterilization.

                3. The lid is designed with a sliding body trigger, which is convenient to open and close. It is water-proof. It is convenient to carry out and avoid the straw to contact foreign substances.

                4. The soft silicone bottle body adopts dolphin shape and scale mark; it is easy for parents to hold and identify the amount of liquid residue, so that infants and children can get more help when learning to drink.

                5. The best product for children of 1-2 years old; suitable for disinfection and sterilization at a temperature of 120 ℃.








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