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                Welcome to our website

                Learning Chopsticks

                1. Cartoon animal shape, let the baby put it down. 2. The learning and training section allows babies to exercise their grasping and reaction ability in one step early. 3. Convenient product cleaning, storage box storage, easy to carry out, environmental protection and hygiene. 4. The product has strong impact resistance, does not deform when dropped, and is not easy to break. 5. The silicone ring can be adjusted up and down according to the baby's comfort level. 6. Sleek design, comfortable feel, no burrs, baby is comfortable and safe to use.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                1. Cartoon animal shape, let the baby put it down.

                2. The learning and training section allows babies to exercise their grasping and reaction ability in one step early.

                3. Convenient product cleaning, storage box storage, easy to carry out, environmental protection and hygiene.

                4. The product has strong impact resistance, does not deform when dropped, and is not easy to break.

                5. The silicone ring can be adjusted up and down according to the baby's comfort level.

                6. Sleek design, comfortable feel, no burrs, baby is comfortable and safe to use.




                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备2024069328号