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                Welcome to our website

                Ceramic Knife&Silicone Cutting Board

                Silicone cutting board: 1. Food grade silicone, free of bisphenol A. 2. Durable, high temperature resistant, soft material, easier to operate and use, will not easily damage the sharpness of the knife. 3. Easy to clean and store. 4. No odor, no mold. 5. The product material is soft and easy to bend, which is convenient for food dumping. 6. The unique texture allows the product to cling to the tabletop during use, which is non-slip and easy to handle. 7. The design of the sink on the surface can prevent the juice from staining the kitchen counter. ceramic knife: 1. The product is light in weight and the blade is sharp. The additional silicone handle makes you more comfortable to hold and easier to clean during use. 2. No peculiar smell. Does not absorb other tastes from vegetables or food. 3. Anti-rust and anti-oxidation.

                • CLASS: COOKING

                Silicone cutting board:

                1. Food grade silicone, free of bisphenol A.

                2. Durable, high temperature resistant, soft material, easier to operate and use, will not easily damage the sharpness of the knife.

                3. Easy to clean and store.

                4. No odor, no mold.

                5. The product material is soft and easy to bend, which is convenient for food dumping.

                6. The unique texture allows the product to cling to the tabletop during use, which is non-slip and easy to handle.

                7. The design of the sink on the surface can prevent the juice from staining the kitchen counter.

                ceramic knife:

                1. The product is light in weight and the blade is sharp. The additional silicone handle makes you more comfortable to hold and easier to clean during use.

                2. No peculiar smell. Does not absorb other tastes from vegetables or food.

                3. Anti-rust and anti-oxidation.







                Copyright ? 2006-2022 莱弗康生活用品(苏州)有限公司 版权所有 苏ICP备16041006号-1